Clounagh Junior High School is a school with a Christian ethos. At the heart of this school lies effective pastoral provision which actively promotes a safe, secure and welcoming environment for all by developing mutual care and respect within the school family regardless of background, religion, culture or gender.
The school strives to be a vibrant and challenging community which through innovative learning and teaching seeks to meet the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual needs of all. Pupils are encouraged to manage their own learning and to make informed responses and decisions. Self-discipline, self-reflection and a focus on increased personal responsibility are actively promoted. Pupils are also encouraged to participate in the decision-making process via the School Council and through the development of pupil voice throughout the school. In addition, the school seeks to promote an effective home school partnership with parents, nurtured through an ‘open door’ policy. Induction Day, Parents’ Evenings, Information Afternoons, School Play, Prize Evening and Carol Service and concerts all combine to strengthen this important link.
There is effective cross phase liaison at Primary and Senior High School levels in addition to on-going collaboration with the Southern Regional College through multi-link training courses. The school is actively engaged in a shared education programme working with a project partner post-primary school. The school also has active community links with the local churches and clergy, community groups as well as business and charitable organisations.